LAND (2021)
Two channel HD video with sound.
5 minutes.


For many Indigenous people in Australia, land is much more than soil, rocks or minerals. It’s a living environment that sustains, and is sustained by, people and culture. Before colonisation, the reciprocal relationship between people and the land underpinned all other aspects of life for Indigenous people. Today, this relationship with the land remains fundamental to the identity and way of life of many Indigenous people.

Non-Indigenous people and land owners consider land as something they own, a commodity to be bought and sold, an asset to make profit from, and a place to build infrastructure. Land also used as a means to make a living off or simply a place to build a ‘home’. Land is ‘developed’, as if it was unfinished or raw.

In this two channel work the viewer is taken on a journey through both untouched land and developed land. This site-responsive work focuses on the highly contested Barangaroo site in Sydney.




Precious Stone